Rector’s Welcome

Welcome to Apor Vilmos Catholic College!

Our college is one of the oldest teacher training colleges in Hungary with a focus on Early Childhood Education and Care. We are committed to providing quality education for students who want to work in the different fields of education, social care and pastoral care.

In Hungary, due to the significant cultural role of the historic churches, church higher education is a separate concept alongside state and private schools and universities. Between the large universities of science offering a wide range of courses and the small colleges offering exclusively theological education, Apor Vilmos Catholic College has represented a unique middle ground since 1929. It trains lay catechists, social educators and early childhood educators, on a declared Catholic basis and faithful to the teaching of the Church. It does not necessarily receive Catholic students, and does not necessarily train for Catholic jobs, thus providing scope for multi-directional evangelisation. Our aim is that the infant and early childhood educators, pre-school teachers, primary teachers, social workers and catechists who work with us will carry on the Church’s social and educational guidelines and mission through us. The Bishopric of Vác, our maintainer, provides an environment in which we can carry out our work in cooperation with many other ecclesiastical institutions, representing fraternal unity. Our role model is our namesake, Vilmos Apor, the martyred bishop beatified in 1997, who, by his social sensitivity in his life and by saving the lives of women and children in his martyrdom in 1945, became a true witness of Christ.

Dr. ZOLTÁN Gloviczki 



Katalin Tabi Palkóné, Head of International Affairs, represented our College at the General Assembly of FUCE / EFCU (European Federation of Catholic Universities) in Seville, Spain, June 5-7, 2024. Our College has been a member of IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities) for three years and plans to join EFCU next year.

The first two days of the three-day conference focused on the relationship between artificial intelligence and education. Speakers included rectors and research experts from several European universities, such as Isabel Capeloa Gil (President of IFCU) and Fr. Alberto Carrara (APRA, Rome). The meeting was also an opportunity to initiate partnerships with several European universities.

On 23 May 2024, Éva Tóth, eTwinning ITE Ambassador, gave a presentation on the possibilities of eTwinning ITE. This programme, geared towards teacher training institutions, combines digital pedagogy and intercultural dialogue through a platform that enables university teachers and students across Europe to work together on short-term projects.

Apor Vilmos Catholic College organised its International BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) Week between April 12 and 19. Its central topic, Intercultural Dialogue through Stories, attracted teacher and student participants from Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Spain; Erasmus students from Germany, Indonesia, Ireland and Spain as well as Apor students and lecturers. A total of 60 people took part in the week.

On the online day, the institutions were introduced, and then mixed groups worked on values in folk tales or shared their local stories related to their cultural heritage. The five-day in-person part of the week comprised of a variety of workshops on proverbs, storytelling and drama, music, intercultural life stories; different fun activities; a day trip to Visegrád Castle and another one to Budapest. In accord with the week’s topic, not only the workshops but also the off-site activities were organised around stories: the towns, the castles and the Story Museum all had something to tell visitors about our rich cultural heritage.

The BIP week provided ample opportunity for the participants to gain new insights, learn new methods, make friends and build a professional network.

In the spring semester we held our regular Erasmus+ Semester, which aimed to encourage students to engage in intercultural dialogue, to promote cultural awareness through the sharing of cultural values, professional knowledge and experiences, while developing critical thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration.

This year we had 9 foreign students from 4 countries (Spain, Ireland, Germany and Turkey). Feedback from the students indicated that they found the training useful and meaningful. In addition to learning, they were able to discover the sights and museums of Vác and Budapest and get involved in local student life.

Dr. Zoltán Gloviczki, Rector of our college, and Dr. Katalin Tabi Palkóné, the head of intercultural relations, participated in the conference of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU), held in Rome on 18-19 January, to celebrate the centenary of its foundation. On the initiative of the Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore (Milan) and the Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen (Nijmegen, Netherlands), IFCU was founded in 1924 in Paris by the fourteen leading Catholic universities of the time. Since its inception, IFCU has cooperated with the Secretariat of State of the Holy See, the Congregation for Catholic Education (now a dicastery) and various other official Holy See organisations. Today, the Federation brings together some 200 higher education institutions from all continents, including Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Apor Vilmos Catholic College.

The two-day conference was hosted by the Vatican-based Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta. The programme was further enhanced by the fact that part of it took place in the central house of the Society of Jesus where IFCU representatives were the guests of the General of the Jesuit Order, with Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Primate of the Dicastery of Culture and Education as keynote speaker and celebrant. On the second day, it was a great honour to be received by His Holiness Pope Francis I in private audience.

QuILL Project – Quality in Language Learning
Cooperation with Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

The QuILL project objectives are to provide higher education language lecturers with skills to identify, assess, use, create digital and ICT based language teaching sources, and to provide decision makers and policy makers with the information and skills to enhance the implementation of digital and ICT based language teaching sources and method in the higher education systems. The Hungarian contractual partner of the Project is Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church. As an associated partner, Apor Vilmos Catholic College participates in promoting exchange of experience and expertise during and after the project, contributes to the exploitation and sustainability of the project results.

Implementation of Digital Language Learning Opportunities in Higher Education (Guidelines for Good Practice)


The Swiss Ingenbohl-based Sisters of Mercy of the Holy Cross established themselves in Hungary in 1865. Their first novitiate was founded in Zsámbék, a village 30 kilometres west of Budapest, in 1901. First, they founded a Roman Catholic girls’ school and a kindergarten, where the language of education was Hungarian. Later on, the scope of education widened, and in 1929 a teacher training institute was started. The first graduation ceremony took place in 1934. On 30 June 1948 the teacher training institute and the lyceum was brought under state control, its equipment was taken away and given to other, state owned teacher training institutes, and thus the teacher training institute in Zsámbék closed down. However, later on its operation restarted, and after the change of the communist regime the College was taken back by the Catholic Church in 1993. In the year 2000 the College was named after the martyr bishop Vilmos Apor, and it has been called Apor Vilmos Catholic College ever since.

August 2004 brought a dramatic turn in the life of the College. The roof of the building caught fire and more than 50% of it burnt down. Because of this extensive damage the school could not be run any longer in Zsámbék. The College moved to Vác, a town 25 kilometres north of Budapest. The year 2017 saw a great development: the inauguration of the Budapest Campus, a modern, award-winning building. Since then, our college has been offering training courses both at the historic Vác Campus and the state-of-the-art Budapest Campus.

Apor Vilmos Catholic College (Apor) offers most of its training programmes in Hungarian on two campuses located in Vác and Budapest. However, we also have a part-time bilingual English-Hungarian Kindergarten Educator BA programme. Training fields encompass BA programmes in teacher education, social science, religious studies and MA programmes in educational science and social pedagogy, mental health and community development.





The objective of the programme is to train professionals who are capable of and dedicated to educating children of 3-7 years of age, after acquiring profound theoretical knowledge, competencies and skills. Students choosing an ethnic minority specialization are also trained to educate children both in Hungarian language and in the language of the ethnic minority, to develop the identity and transmit the culture of the ethnic minority in an age-appropriate way.

Optional specializations:

  • Kindergarten educator training with German ethnic minority specialization
  • Kindergarten educator training with Roma ethnic minority specialization



Apor also offers a part-time training programme in Early Childhood Education in the English language. In Hungary, we are the first to offer a BA training program of this kind in English. Although most of the subjects are taught in English, the curriculum also contains some Hungarian culture specific subjects in Hungarian. This degree entitles the holder to fulfil positions at preschools with an English language programme (for example, bilingual or international preschools), and also provides an opportunity for students to acquire a proficiency (C1) level knowledge of English.



The objective of the programme is to train teachers for 1st through 6th grade children who develop children’s personalities – according to the changing societal demands and the purposes of primary education – in a complex way. Students are trained to teach in all content areas in grades 1-4, and to teach in a chosen content area for grades 1-6. Students with an ethnic minority specialization are trained to teach in all content areas in grades 1-4, and to teach the language and culture of the ethnic minority for grades 1-6.

Optional specializations:

  • Primary school teacher training with German ethnic minority specialization
  • Primary school teacher training with Roma ethnic minority specialization



The objective of the programme is to train professionals who are capable of working in institutions that help educational and social services; handle the learning, social and mental problems of children, young people and their families in a complex way; maintain, restore and develop a balance of the child / the young person and their environment. The practice-oriented training includes visits to institutions, internship and a 360-hour field practice.


  • Family, child and youth protection
  • Integration problems of Roma communities



The objective of the programme is to train infant and early childhood educators who provide for the care and education of children from birth to age 3. Graduates gain comprehensive knowledge of the early childhood care system, have the competence, autonomy and responsibility to perform the tasks of their profession.



The programme aims at training catechists and pastoral assistants to perform preaching and pastoral activities. According to their specialization, they either teach catechism to children, youth and adults, take part in the work of evangelisation, or they guide communities, lead or perform certain liturgical events, charity or cultural activities.



The objective of the programme is to train professionals who conduct the music service of the church and can convey the biblical message in song and music. It provides the theoretical and practical skills which enable the students to lead activities of the church congregation of different ages.





The objective of training is to prepare students for educational research and practical work in the public and higher education and in organizations; to design and evaluate learning programmes in schools; to participate in educational research and development, and to communicate the Hungarian achievements in educational science on national and international platforms. The programme prepares students to pursue doctoral studies in Educational Science.


  • Family Care Pedagogy
  • Supportive Education



The aim of the programme is to train professionals who give help using their theoretical knowledge about the functioning and the dysfunctions of the society, about interpersonal relationships, deviances, groups of special needs, about the education, development and professional assistance in a public educational, societal, child welfare, and child protection setting; who improve the circumstances of disadvantaged children, youth and their families. It prepares students for individual or team research, for the educational, decision-making, governing, planning and organizing duties in the areas of social pedagogy. Graduates of the programme can pursue doctoral studies in social pedagogy.



The programme aims at training experts in mental health in relations and community development who contribute to the management and alleviation of social problems and to the strengthening of the local society; who are able to build, develop and lead fostering, supportive and protective communities or community networks in a settlement, at a workplace, in the civil society, in a church or a denomination.


Apor also offers a wide range of postgraduate courses in Budapest and Vác for continuing professional development, providing an opportunity for all those who want to deepen their knowledge or want to learn something new. These courses include postgraduate specialist training courses, course supplementing specializations and accredited postgraduate courses for teachers.

Department of Religious Studies, Social Sciences and Romology

Dr. Nikoletta Mándi Csürkéné
Head of Department

Our department is responsible for the BA, MA and vocational programmes and courses in the field of Social Sciences (with special attention to Roma Studies) and Theology. Our programmes include Social Pedagogy BA and MA as well as Catechist-Pastoral Assistant BA. Although our programmes are highly practical, we also emphasize theoretical and academic research via professional research groups.

Our Social Pedagogy Research Group focuses on analyzing theoretical, methodological, educational and practical issues of Social Pedagogy. It aims to enhance professional identity by inviting alumni members and other guests from our field. The Group organizes specialized events, such as the SocialPed Café, which provides opportunity for professional discussions among our students and invited prestigious guests. Another yearly event since 2011 has been the Day of Roma Studies when students, colleagues and invited professionals can participate in an interactive all-day conference that includes workshops about good practices. Each year the event is dedicated to a certain special theme such as ‘The Catholic Church for Roma people,’ ‘Roma people and the family,’ ‘Roma people in the scientific world,’ or ‘Talent support.’ The research group also publishes a scholarly journal titled Social Pedagogy registered by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS).

The Spatial Pedagogy Research Group aims to serve as a center for a unique interdisciplinary approach by involving Hungarian and foreign experts of the field. It combines academic research with the practical methodology of Spatial Pedagogy. Based on this, a seminar course called ‘School Spaces and Use of Space in Inclusive Care’ has been running successfully since 2020. As partners of the HAS-AVCC Learning Environment Research Group led by Prof. Éva Gyarmathy since 2022, we have also developed study materials and postgraduate study modules for in-service teachers.

The Research Center for Social Integration was founded in 2023 under the supervision of Prof. Ernő Kállai. Our academic work and research are in line with our primary goal to support future social care professionals studying in our training programmes so they are able to serve people with dignity and commitment.

Department of Foreign Languages

Dr. Ágnes Streitmann Bethlenfalvyné
Head of Department

The Department of Foreign Languages offers English and German language courses both in the undergraduate and the postgraduate training programmes. In the undergraduate education – besides the general English language development courses – students are provided with elective courses in the field of the methodology of teaching English as a foreign language in kindergarten and primary school education. Students are also offered specializations in English for Infant and Early Childhood Care and in primary English language teaching, which is also available in post-graduate education.  In 2018 we have launched the part-time Kindergarten BA Programme in English, which also includes theory and practice of bilingual education and CLIL courses (mathematical, environmental, visual, music education, and P.E.).

Both in undergraduate and postgraduate education there are special programmes which aim at training kindergarten educators and primary teachers for education in German minority schools and kindergartens. Besides the English and German language modules the Department of Foreign Languages is also in charge of the drama and puppetry modules and courses in the field of Romani as a minority language both in undergraduate and post-graduate education.

The colleagues at the Department of Foreign Languages actively participate in a wide range of research activities in the fields of Early English Language Acquisition, Children’s literature methodology, German as a minority language, German-Hungarian bilingual education, drama pedagogy, reform pedagogies. They organize and lecture at several conferences hosted by Apor. From a professional point of view The Early Childhood Education Conference and the National German Prose and Poetry Competition can be considered the two most important ones.

The profile of the Department of Foreign Languages is strongly intertwined with the Erasmus+ Programme and other international programmes and projects at Apor.  Colleagues at the Department not only actively participate in various international mobility programmes, but they are also in charge of organizing the Erasmus Semester, and BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) at Apor.

Additional activities comprise translating and reviewing abstracts, articles written in English for the professional journals published by Apor and organizing department events like the Christmas Party, or the Erasmus Information Day.

Department of Hungarian Language and Literature, Art and Church Music

Dr. Katalin Zóka
Vice Rector, Head of Department

The Department’s activity encompasses the following major fields: complex visual art education, music education and church music, Hungarian as native language and literature, and Slovak ethnic culture and pedagogy. Our lecturers are in charge of two BA programmes (Chorister, Kindergarten Educator), a national minority specialisation (Kindergarten Educator with Slovak Ethnic Specialisation) as well as two postgraduate training courses (Senior Kindergarten Teacher, Kindergarten Music Educator).

Music-Church Music Group: Our teachers are also active as performing artists. In addition to their college and secondary school teaching and performing activity, one of the three co-workers with DLA degree pursues academic research, and another young colleague who is planning to start a PhD programme is also engaged as a researcher in the public education development project of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Visual Arts Group: In addition to teaching, our colleagues are engaged in creative artistic activity, successfully integrating it into their work of art pedagogy. They organise inspiring, artistic awareness raising competitions for Apor students as well as interested secondary school pupils thus building rapport with public education. Their exhibitions establish fruitful relationships with diocesan and regional institutions. Their popular complex creative arts camps also strengthen cohesion among the students of the different training programmes.

Hungarian Literature and Linguistics Group: Alongside our educational activity, we also organize regular scientific events such as domestic and international conferences, competitions for secondary school students, as well as performances. Our colleagues successfully coach students for national competitions. One of our lecturers is the chief editor of the college periodical called Anyanyelvi és Irodalmi Nevelés (Hungarian Language and Literature), others contribute as editors, professional proofreaders or authors. The periodical does not only offer publication opportunity; it is also an effective tool of organizing scientific activity.

Department of Psychology and Physical Education

Dr. Judit Gombás
Head of Department

The Department of Psychology and Physical Education (DPPE) was established in 2019 and is one of the youngest units of the College. In our teacher training programmes, as well as in our MA and postgraduate specialisation programmes, we offer courses in psychology, mental health, self-awareness, child protection, talent development and professional skills development in both Hungarian and English. We are confident that joyful and recreational physical movement is the foundation of healthy personality development and psychological and mental health. Our students can learn and experience this in the Department’s physical education courses.

In the heart of DPPE’s mission is the development of students’ skills, abilities, and competencies in both cognitive and non-cognitive areas. This is reflected not only by the College’s curricula and particular courses, but also by the attitude and the vision of our dedicated staff.

The Department is made up of nine full-time and over forty part-time teachers. This diverse professional community guarantees a versatile and practice-oriented training. DPPE is responsible for the following study programmes:

Our Department is also a workshop of internationally renowned research and publications. The Atypical Development Methodology Centre won an Erasmus+ KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education a two-year research grant in 2023. We highly recommend the recent studies authored and co-authored by Dr. Éva Gyarmathy:

Senior, John and Gyarmathy Éva. AI and Developing Human Intelligence: Future Learning and Educational Innovation. London: Routledge, 2021.

David, Hanna and Éva Gyarmathy. Gifted Children and Adolescents Through the Lens of Neuropsychology. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2023.

Senior, John and Gyarmathy Éva. The Mental Health of Gifted Intelligent Machines: AI and the Mirror of Human Psychology. London: Routledge, 2024.

Department of Pedagogy

Dr. Krisztina Molnár
Head of Department

The Department is in charge of the pedagogy subjects in the bachelor, master and postgraduate programmes of our College. Our aim is to prepare students for the effective cultivation of the pedagogical profession, for the development of their competences, and for a career in research by providing the latest scientific knowledge and by organising learning in an experiential, activity-based and collaborative way. We aim to set an example for the present and future teacher generations by our personal authenticity, teaching culture and dedication.

We aim to take part in the professional discourse in and outside our institution in line with the profile of the College, focusing on the pedagogical reality of the 21st century with a Christian intellectual’s responsibility. Accordingly, there are two professional work groups in the Department which establish links between student talent support, the scientific activity of lecturers and the internal and external collegial relations. The Christian Educational Research Group provides a professional foundation for the annual Conference on Christian Education and for the international periodical Katolikus Pedagógia  [Catholic Pedagogy] published twice a year, whereas the Methodological Research Group, besides transmitting contemporary innovations, coordinates the activity of two independent organisational units, the Methodological Centre for Organic Pedagogy and the Methodological Centre for Alternative Pedagogical Approaches, with the result of two conferences and six workshops per year ensuring an ongoing collaboration with the institutional networks based on organic pedagogy and alternative pedagogical approaches respectively.

In the training system of the College, our lecturers are in charge of the following training programmes: Infant and Early Childhood Educator BA, Primary School Teacher BA, Educational Science MA, In-Service Training in the Field of Developmental-Differentiating Pedagogy, In-Service Training in The Field of Organic Pedagogy, In-Service Training in The Field of Alternative Pedagogies. In 2023, a Special Education BA programme was also developed by the Department.

Department of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informatics

Dr. Anna Runyó Megyeriné
Head of Department

The Department of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Informatics is present in the full spectrum of the programmes (BA, MA, in-service training, adult education) at Apor Vilmos Catholic College, though our lecturers are primarily involved in the kindergarten educator and teacher training programmes. The lecturers are specified in the different fields of natural sciences, and are responsible for the subjects related to science, mathematics and ICT.

Due to the character of the subjects, the training is of practical character: it uses interdisciplinary approach and builds on the processes, tools and methods of experiential pedagogy and problem-based learning. The department is particularly concerned with the theoretical and practical interpretations of the pedagogical aspects of environmental education, sustainability and creation care.

Our lecturers take part in talent support, in the coordination of the work of the students’ scientific association, in the recruitment, organisation and management of the applications to the National Scientific Conference of Students (OTDK).

Since our department prefers and applies modern educational theories and practice, we run a study group named Science Education. It aims at supporting, inspiring and catalysing research and development of the foundation of scientific knowledge acquisition and thinking in childhood. Our students work in special locations like gardens, greenhouses, nature reserves, forest schools, nature trails, urban green spaces as well as in the archives. The tools, models, maquettes, simple instruments, drawings, toys, maps or puppets made by the students replicate in miniature some parts, phenomena or processes of nature. All these help our students as future teachers to make children perceive and understand the environmental phenomena and processes in terms of spatial and time scales through experience.

UnitHead of UnitContact
RectorZoltán Gloviczki
Rector’s CabinetPetra Zsófia Balá
Rector’s OfficeDr. Emese Erő
International OfficeKatalin Tabi Palkóné
Office of Student ServicesRichárd Gő
Finance DepartmentImre

At Apor College, the atmosphere is much more family-like than at other big universities. Here, everyone knows everyone. There is always a chance to find friends with similar interests; who you can study or go hiking with; or who you can just have a good chat with – even in the early hours. People here always have something nice to say to each other. This is a helpful and inclusive community where everyone says hello to everyone, and there is always time for a smile.


AVCC invites students from partner institutions to its Erasmus+ Semester in the spring term of every academic year.  In the programme we offer mandatory and optional modules.

Mandatory modules

  • Developing Intercultural Competences
  • Storytelling and Drama
  • Hungarian Culture
  • Social Integration
  • Contemporary Psychology
  • School Visits 
  • Blended Intensive Programme

Optional modules

  • Early English in Childhood Education
  • English Language Courses

See the course descriptions here.

Evaluation and Grading:

At the end of the semester, students will receive a “Transcript of Records” that will contain the ECTS credit points and the grading according to the ECTS grading scale:

ECTS GradeDefinition
AEXCELLENT – outstanding performance
BVERY GOOD – above the average standard
CGOOD – generally sound work
DSATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings
ESUFFICIENT – performance meets the minimum criteria
FXFAIL – some more work is required before the credit can be awarded
FFAIL – considerable further work is required

For administrative reasons, students’ ECTS credit and grades will also be transferred to our college grading system in Neptun on a 1-5 scale as follows:

ECTS GradeHungarian grade in Neptun

The language of the programme is English (B2). We may ask for an interview with the Erasmus nominees on a case-by-case basis to assess their level of language proficiency.

We reserve the right to change the programme.

Application deadline: 31 October

Please send your application to
Further information about the 

Here is what some of the Erasmus students wrote about their Erasmus+ Semester at Apor:

“First of all, I can assure you that you will never regret coming here as an Erasmus student, everyone here is wonderfully nice. The teachers were all friendly towards us, which always made the lessons fun and enjoyable. If I start counting the various activities we have done, the pages will fill up so you can be sure that we did a lot of activities and I definitely enjoyed them. I would like to thank all my teachers for giving me a pleasant, fun and unforgettable time, I will not forget these beautiful memories. Thank you.”
(Dilan, Turkey)

“I have enjoyed and learned a lot. The teachers have been very approachable and friendly, which has helped create a bond, a relationship of learning and friendship. These months have left a mark on me and I will never forget them. For me, the classes have been very important.”
(Ignacio, Spain)

Apor had organised International Weeks for partner institutions between 2014 and 2021.

The first BIP was organised at Apor in the spring term of the academic year 2021-2022. The international event focusing on stories went off successfully.

The Blended Intensive Program (BIP) is a combination of physical and virtual (online) mobilities. It is a useful tool of intercultural dialogue as it fosters
• development of transnational and transdisciplinary curricula
• innovative ways of learning and teaching
• online collaboration
• research-based learning
• challenge-based approaches that tackle societal challenges.

In the online part the participants collaborate simultaneously in virtual groups.
During the physical mobility participants take part in workshops, cultural programmes, go on study trips and visit institutions.

BIP 2024

Apor Vilmos Catholic College organised its International BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) Week between April 12 and 19. Its central topic, Intercultural Dialogue through Storiesattracted teacher and student participants from Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Spain; Erasmus students from Germany, Indonesia, Ireland and Spain as well as Apor students and lecturers. A total of 60 people took part in the week. On the online day, the institutions were introduced, and then mixed groups worked on values in folk tales or shared their local stories related to their cultural heritage. The five-day in-person part of the week comprised of a variety of workshops on proverbs, storytelling and drama, music, intercultural life stories; different fun activities; a day trip to Visegrád Castle and another one to Budapest. In accord with the week’s topic, not only the workshops but also the off-site activities were organised around stories: the towns, the castles and the Story Museum all had something to tell visitors about our rich cultural heritage. The BIP week provided ample opportunity for the participants to gain new insights, learn new methods, make friends and build a professional network.

BIP 2023


CEEPUS is a student and teacher exchange programme, which supports study trips, specialised courses and long-term professional collaborations between HEIs in Central Europe.

We offer our Hungarian training programmes to international students of excellence within the framework of Stipendium Hungaricum, a prestigious scholarship programme operated by the Hungarian government.

For more information about our full time training programmes in the Hungarian language, please visit:


Apor Vilmos Catholic College became a member of the International Federation of Catholic Universities (IFCU) in 2021. IFCU, with more than 200 member institutions worldwide, has a consultative status in the UNESCO, the UN Economic and Social Council and a participatory status with the Council of Europe; it is present in the OECD Higher Education Stakeholder Forum and the OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions. IFCU’s objective is to represent global Catholic higher education and aims at meeting today’s challenges by value-driven academic training. Apor Vilmos Catholic College has started to establish bilateral contacts with several European member institutions.

Our College has been a professional partner of eTwinning ITE (Initial Teacher Education) since October 2023. This programme, which supports the international project work of Hungarian teacher training institutions within the framework of virtual European cooperations, is operated by the Educational Authority.

For more information, please visit:


Apor Vilmos Catholic College 
Address: Schuszter Konstantin tér 1-5. H-2600 Vác, Hungary.
Postal address: Pf.: 237, H-2601 Vác, Hungary
Tel.: +36-27 / 511-148 / 206 ext

Katalin Tabi Palkóné Ph.D.
Head of International Affairs
Representative of the International Federation of Catholic Universities

Zsolt Szabó
Erasmus+ Coordinator

Erika Bodó
Erasmus+ Coordinator Assistant

Travelling to Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Vác, Hungary
  • Nyugati Railway Station – Vác:
    • Z70 shuttle train departs 8 minutes past each hour; first stop: Vác (journey: 25 min)
    • S70 stopping train departs 15 and 45 minutes past each hour; station: Vác (journey: 40 min)
    • MÁV timetable
  • Vác Railway Station – AVCC: 15 minutes’ walk, see Vác map

Apor Vilmos Catholic College
Schuszter Konstantin tér 1-5.
H- 2600 Vác, Hungary
